Traptox Treatment in San Clemente CA

At Total Skin and Wellness, we offer BOTOX treatment plans to help patients achieve their aesthetic and aging-related goals. Not only can we administer this popular injectable to different facial areas, but we can also use it to perform a trapezius muscle treatment. BOTOX for trap muscles has physical and aesthetic benefits, and if you want to learn more, we can give you all the details and then design a treatment plan for you.


BOTOX is a neuromodulator that relaxes the muscles in the treatment area to accomplish aging-related, medical, and cosmetic goals. The active ingredients in the injectable are called neurotoxins, and they work by temporarily blocking the brain and nerve signals’ ability to communicate with the muscles and tell them to contract.

We offer a trapezius muscle treatment with BOTOX that can relax the trapezius muscles to alleviate tension, reduce muscle size, and help patients achieve their medical or cosmetic goals.

What Are the Benefits of Getting BOTOX for Trap Muscles?

Patients who undergo this unique treatment can expect a quick, customized, and safe process. It can meet both medical and aesthetic goals of men and women, improve patient confidence, reduce pain, and restore quality of life. Other treatment benefits include the following:

  • Treatments are safe, minimally invasive, and non-surgical

  • Results appear relatively quickly post-treatment

  • Aesthetic treatment plans can elongate and slim the neck and shoulders

  • Results are long-lasting

  • Treatments are virtually painless

  • Follow-up treatment can extend results long-term

  • Treatment plans can address both cosmetic and medical concerns

  • It can be combined with other treatment options

  • You can schedule your appointment during a lunch break and return to work immediately following your treatment

  • There’s no social downtime treatment

What Can It Treat?

Patients who want to reduce the size of their trapezius muscles for aesthetic purposes or relieve tension that contributes to other issues like muscle stiffness, headaches, and other muscular-related conditions can benefit from a customized trapezius muscle treatment plan.

It can also meet the needs of patients who want to achieve a slimmer neck and shoulder profile. For those genetically predisposed to larger trap muscles, this treatment can help them achieve their aesthetic ideals through a quick, safe, and effective treatment process.

What Should I Expect From the Treatment Process?

The BOTOX for the trapezius muscle treatment process is quick and minimally invasive. When you arrive, we will cleanse the skin in the treatment area and then make a series of strategic injections into some precise areas of the trapezius muscles based on your treatment plan and ultimate goals. The injectable has a very thin, fine needle, which promotes a comfortable treatment experience.

We can apply a topical numbing cream to the area before your treatment if necessary. Once your treatment is over, you can resume most of your normal daily activities. We can also treat other areas during the same appointment to eliminate the need for multiple appointments. We can give you more details about other areas that can be treated with BOTOX at your initial consultation.

Is There Downtime?

There is no downtime following a BOTOX for trap muscles treatment, but like any BOTOX appointment, you will need to follow some specific aftercare instructions to ensure the best result. You will need to avoid strenuous activity for the first 24 hours, hot environments, and anything that can increase your body temperature or blood pressure.

You will also need to remain in an elevated position to avoid and prevent product migration and avoid touching the treatment sites. Once you undergo treatment, we will provide you with detailed aftercare instructions so that you know what to do and what to avoid to ensure the best treatment results.

When Will I See the Results?

After you undergo treatment, you’ll notice results within a few days, and your results will continue to improve in the month following treatment. You’ll notice a decreased size in the muscle as well as reduced tension, discomfort, and improved range of motion.

How Long Will My Results Last?

Patients can expect their results to last anywhere from three to five months based on how quickly their bodies process and metabolize the product ingredients. When you start to regain movement of the trapezius muscles or notice increased tension, it will be a sign that your results are wearing off. At that point, you can schedule a follow-up treatment to avoid any interruption in your results and maintain them long-term

Who Is a Good Candidate?

Men and women with aesthetic or muscular-related concerns can schedule a BOTOX trapezius muscle treatment to improve their appearance, quality of life, and confidence. It’s important that patients aren’t allergic to any of the ingredients in the product and understand that the results are only temporary; regular follow-up treatments are necessary to maintain the results long-term.

An initial consultation is the best way to confirm your treatment eligibility. During this consultation, we will ask you some questions about your medical history, your goals, and your health so that we can confirm that this BOTOX for trap muscles treatment is the right, most effective, and safest option for you.


If you want to learn more about the medical or aesthetic benefits of BOTOX for trap muscles, we can give you more details. Trapezius muscle tension or aesthetic concerns don’t have to define your confidence or quality of life. With a customized treatment plan, we can alleviate trapezius muscle tension, reduce muscle size, and improve your appearance in a quick and efficient treatment.